ISO/IEC 27562:2024

مواصفة قياسية دولية   الإصدار الحالي · اعتمدت بتاريخ ١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤

Information technology — Security techniques — Privacy guidelines for fintech services

ملفات الوثيقة ISO/IEC 27562:2024

الإنجليزية 30 صفحات
الإصدار الحالي
67.68 OMR

مجال الوثيقة ISO/IEC 27562:2024

This document provides guidelines on privacy for fintech services.

It identifies all relevant business models and roles in consumer-to-business relations and business-to-business relations, as well as privacy risks and privacy requirements, which are related to fintech services. It provides specific privacy controls for fintech services to address privacy risks.

This document is based on the principles from ISO/IEC 29100, ISO/IEC 27701, and ISO/IEC 29184, the privacy impact assessment framework described in ISO/IEC 29134, and the risk management guideline described in ISO 31000. It also provides guidelines focusing on a set of privacy requirements for each stakeholder.

This document can be applicable to all kinds of organizations such as regulators, institutions, service providers and product providers in the fintech service environment.

الأكثر مبيعاً

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